Office of International Affairs and Education

The Office of International Affairs and Education will be with you on your first step towards the world

Scholarship Policy


Scholarship Policy

The scholarship policy for International student of freshmen and degree courses (undergraduate, graduate school).

Freshmen & Transfer Student

Course Program Language Ability(60) Interview(40) Total(100) Tuition discount rate %
Korean (TOPIK) English(IBT) Grade
Undergraduate and Graduage level 6 110 60 - 91 or above 60%
level 5 100 50 - 81 or above 90 or less 50%
level 4 90 40 - 71 or above 80 or less 40%
level 3 80 30 - 71 or less 30%
Dongguk TOPIK - - - less than 70 0%

Currently Enrolled Students

Course Program Condition Tuition discount rate
TOPIK Level 4 and above
(Graduate Level 5)
TOPIK Level 3 and Below
(Graduate Level 4)
Undergraduate Grade Point Average < 2.0 0% 0%
2.0 ≤ GPA < 3.0 30% 20%
3.0 ≤ GPA < 3.5 40% 30%
3.5 ≤ GPA < 4.0 50% 40%
GPA ≥4.0 60% 50%
Graduate 3.0 < GPA 0% 0%
3.0 ≤ GPA < 3.5 40% 30%
3.5 ≤ GPA < 4.0 50% 40%
4.0 ≤ GPA < 4.3 60% 50%
GPA ≥ 4.3 70% 60%
  • Students with TOPIK level 4 or above (Level 5 or above for Graduates) will be provided 300,000 won for scholarship. (One time during enrollment)
  • International students enrolled in the degree program can get a scholarship if listened at least 15 credits per semester (excluding the last semester) and scores of 2.0 or higher