Office of International Affairs and Education

The Office of International Affairs and Education will be with you on your first step towards the world

Document Submission

Information on how to submit foreign students' admission documents and proof of academic background and degree

Document Submission

Division Lists of required documents Detail
Required Documents for All Applicants Application Form Application Form
Applicant Profile card
Self-Introduction Letter
Color ID Photo (3*4) 5 Photos (White Background)
Passport Copy (if exceed notarize period original copy)
Education Background Certificate of Graduation of one’s most recent Degree (Issued by Minister of Education) Original
Certificate of (Graduate-to-be) Graduation of High School (Issued by Principal) Original
Academic Transcript for High School (Issued by Principal) Original
Certificate of (Graduate-to-be) Graduation of the most recent Education (Issued by Principal) Original [(Vocational College)University Student]
Certificate of Degree of the highest education (Issued by Principal) Original [(Vocational College)University Student]
Academic Transcript of the highest Education (Issued by Principal) Original [(Vocational College)University Student]
Certificate of Score for Test of Proficiency in Korean or English Score Copy (To Those who are subject)
Identification Family Registration Certificate Original (Certificated issued by Foreign-Government equivalent to South Korea’s Family register)
Hokoubu (Only for Chinese) Copy
National Identification Certificate (Only for Chinese) Copy (Father, Mother, Applicant)
Financial Certificate of Balance Confirmation
  • Application for New Visa or for change
    • Degree Course : US $18,000 or above.
    • Korean Language Course : US $9,000 or above.
Validity : One month or more after admission
Certificate of Employment of Sponsor (Parents) or Business Registration Certification Original (Actual address of premise must be stated)
Certificate of Income of Sponsors(Parents) Original (Annual Income of Last year should be stated)
Health Health Certificate
  • Oversea: TB test should be run in a hospital nominated by Korean Embassy and the medical certificate needs to be issued and presented on the visa application.
    • ※ The validity for medical certificates is no more than 2 months old.
    • ※ The original should be presented to Embassy and its copy is given to Dongguk University.
  • Domestic : Certificate for TB test should be issued in a community health center and presented for visa extension.
Applicants who have finished primary and secondary education Certificate of Graduation (Graduate-to-be) for elementary, middle and high school Original
Academic Transcript for Elementary, Middle and High School Original
Certificate of Completion (Enrollment) for Undergraduate Original (To those who are subject)
Academic Transcript for Undergraduate Original (To those who are subject)
Certificate of National Identification (Korean Citizens) Certified Copy of Cancelled Registration for Overseas Korean.
  • The latest issued certificate of academic background and degree must be certified only by the Ministry Education Certification Center in his/her country (see the back page for details).
  • Hokubu (Chinese) with the renewal of 6 months from application date must be submitted.
  • All documents are to be original (no need for separate notarization) and additional documents must be submitted on demand.
  • Foreign students attending other schools in Korea or living in Korea must present copies of Alien Registration Card (front and back sides) and Certificate of Resident (rent contract for apartment)
  • Upon completion all necessary documents, they shall be sent through post mail to following address and scanned file should be presented to administrator in charge of admission.
    • Address: (38066) 123, Dongdae-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
  • Upon receiving the notification of acceptance to DGU, Acceptance letter and related documents must be sent from the school with that you must bring medical certificate and related documents and promptly apply for a visa to the Korean embassy or consulate and notify the school

Guideline of certifying the highest education or Degree

Applicants Applicants who are under one of the following circumstances
  • ① Citizens from one of 21 countries (stated) stipulated by Ministry of Justice.
  • ② Those who have completed their Degrees or Qualifications from University located in one of the 21 countries.
Countries (21 Nations) Total 21 countries including China, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgzstan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Peru
Country subject to intensive management (5 Nations) Cameroon, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Uganda.
Certified Documents Choose one from below ①, ②, ③
  • ① The Certificates of Degree and Qualifications approved by Apostille
  • ② The Certificates approved by the Korean Consul in a country where applicant’s University is located
  • ③ The Certificates approved by one’s own country’s consul in korea
China Regular high school Issuing institution Institution for Certification (Chinese) Certification Report Content Language
① National High School Student Information Advisory and job guidance center (Academic Certification Center)
Chinese Higher Education
Education certification report
  • Certified degree of Graduation for undergraduate/master/doctor courses
  • Certified Degree of Open Education
  • Certified Degree of Vocational Education
Chinese Higher Education Transcript certification report
Certificate of Graduation Transcript for the University and Vocational Education Chinese
② Degree in Education and Center for Research and Student education Development (Degree Certification Center)
  • Certified degree of Graduation for undergraduate/master/doctor courses
  • Certified documents of Academic transcript for graduates of undergraduate and graduate courses
  • Certified documents of enrollment of University
  • Certified documents of completion for University
  • Hueikhao Certificate
  • Hueikhao Academic Transcript
  • Kaokhao Academic Transcript
  • Certificate of Graduation at vocational middle or high school
  • Certificate of Korean High School Graduation Certificate
Confucius Institute in Seoul (Korea-China Institute for Cultural Cooperation , Contact (02-554-2688)
Vocational high school Choose one of the followings
  • ① Certificate of graduation issued by the relevant school (must be confirmed by the two consuls of the province education office and the Korean Consulate General in the week)
  • ② Certificate of graduation issued by the Office of Education (Must be confirmed by the Korean Consul of the State Building)